Who is Hany??

Hany El.Shahat,Graduated from Fine Arts Faculty in Cairo, Egypt in 1995-1996, Graphic-AnimationStart Working in Cairo Cartoon as a background designer for cartoon episodes Bakkar, And through my way in art i made many many things and i'm tried to put my fingerprint and my slogan was'The Simplicity is so Complicated' i worked in multimedia and web sites and printing i'm also worked as art director in USAID Egypt  in tow big projects, environmental and educationthen i take a huge tour in advertising agencies in Egypt and as art director and Creative Director.finally NOW i'm working as a Executive Manager for 8ART Advertising Agency in Saudi Arabia.and i hope with help and support of allah to be able to continue my trip in life with clear Heart and open mind and tow hands raised anytime, anywhere to ALLAH and praying to Allah to give me the power just to thanks Allah for his Donations and gifts.
غلاف كتاب الذئب العربي
للكاتب السعودي
سعد الشبانات
(غلاف كتاب الشعر (الوشاح الأحمر)
 للكاتب العراقي المعروف
د/طه حامد الدليمي

غلاف كتاب ملك حقق المستحيل
صدر في الرياض ١٤٣٤
للمؤلفة الرائعة بهية بوسبيت
تصميم: هاني الشحات
البرنامج المستخدم: فوتوشوب مع رسم يدوي
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